Giornata Mondiale del Turismo - September 27 2013 - Andrano

Giornata Mondiale del Turismo - September 27 2013 - Andrano

When: 27/09/2013 - 27/09/2013

Where: Castello Spinola Caracciolo - 73032 Andrano |73032 - Andrano | Map

Telephone: +39 0836/925049|+39 348 5444493|+39 349 2588256

Fax: +39 0836 926830



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Thank u for visiting us.


A Day in the Park ... "Sustainability - Tourism - Accessibility"

World Tourism Day (WTD)

The event was created as part of the Project PWB - Parks Without Borders, is promoted by the Parco Naturale Regionale "Costa Otranto - S. Maria di Leuca e Bosco di Tricase" in collaboration with Mareamico - Associazione Ecologica Scientifica di Protezione AmbientaleGli Econauti S.u.r.l, il Comune di Andrano, il Comitato Territoriale Lecce UISP – Sport per Tutti and Comitato de "La Notte Verde" di Castiglione (Andrano).

The day was divided into various times, owned by tourists, administrators, companies, and speakers, will be an important moment of encounter and dialogue, as well as an opportunity to exhibit the products and artefacts Park area of excellence. For this reason, we would be pleased to welcome into our space dedicated to your Company.

Giornata Mondiale del Turismo - September 27 2013 - Andrano  

For information on the "showcase" that we will make available, please contact as soon as possible following numbers:

Maria Elisabetta Carrozzo: +39 348 5444493
Lorena Vasquez: +39 349 2588256