Ducal Palace Sangiovanni

Ducal Palace Sangiovanni

Address:  Piazza Castello, 26 | 73031 - Alessano | Map

Telephone: +39 333 5880803 | +39 0833 781658

Fax: +39 0833 781658

: www.palazzoducalesangiovanni.com


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The Palace, after the Del Balzo, hosted the De Capua, Gonzaga, the Brayda, Guarini, the Ayerbo of Aragon. Last propritario was Zunica Antonio, who had been brought as a dowry from his wife Luisa Riario-Sforza, nephew of former uxore Giuseppe Maria Ayerbo of Aragon, the last feudal lord of Alessano, who died of cholera in Naples in 1837. In the early years of the twentieth century, the palace was bought by Carlo Sangiovanni, whose heirs are the owners today.

Ducal Palace Sangiovanni  

The guest be given the opportunity of a holiday in contact with nature typical of Salento, land of "Lu sulelu marelu ientu" (the sun, the sea, the wind).

Guests can take advantage of:
Ducal Palace Sangiovanni  
Ducal Palace Sangiovanni  Montain byke
Ducal Palace Sangiovanni  Guided tours in the fields, oil mills and wineries
Ducal Palace Sangiovanni  Taxi service
Ducal Palace Sangiovanni  Excursions by boat along the coast to Leuca with a chance to visit the fascinating caves
Ducal Palace Sangiovanni  Guided tours in tourist areas neighboring.

Moreover, given the strategic position of this small town, Alessano represents the starting point for exploring the most interesting cultural tourism in Salento.