Crypt of Santa Marina - Miggiano

Crypt of Santa Marina - Miggiano

Address:  ex grancia Carmelitani - 73035 Miggiano | 73035 - Miggiano | Map

Telephone: +39 0833 761143

Fax: +39 0833 764920



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The Crypt of Santa Marina - dating back to the ninth century AD, is located in the ex grancia of the Carmelites

(The word grangia or grancia comes from an old word of French origin, "granche" meaning barn and originally meant a building structure used for the storage of grain and seeds. Later the term was used to define the complex of buildings that forms an old farm and only later took on the value of a large manufacturing company run by monks).

Even today you can find grange more or less preserved in the whole Occitan area (north-western Italy, southern France, the Pyrenees area), but also in central and southern Italy).

It consists of a quadrangular room with a fresco of St. Marina which dates back to 1400; all over the walls you can see traces of color of ancient frescoes, now permanently lost. On the left side of the entrance there are two small rooms, one of which is completely painted with typical images of Byzantine iconography: St. Nicholas, St. Catherine of Alexandria in Egypt, Holy Anonymous, Archangel Gabriel.

The crypt is of considerable importance for the presence of the "Dormitio Virginis" the only hypogeic representation in Italy.