Crypt of Coelimanna or Manna Coeli Virgo - Supersano

Crypt of Coelimanna or Manna Coeli Virgo - Supersano

Address:  Strada Comunale Celimanno - 73040 Supersano | 73040 - Supersano | Map

Telephone: +39 sn


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On the municipal road that from Casarano leads to Supersano, right behind the Municipal Cemetery is the entrance to the crypt, carved in a tuff ridge of the Supersano greenhouse.

The frescoes that are inside, bring back the crypt to the late thirteenth century, the entrance is about one meter wide and leads into an environment with a rectangular shape (15 m long and 7.5 m wide), divided into two parts, separated in the middle by a pillar and arches.

The flooring comes in clay and the maximum height of about 2 meters, is reached in the second environment that probably was excavated in a later period and in which is located the Baroque altar with a Byzantine fresco; the other altar is located by the entrance and is oriented to the west, as if to underline the weakening of relations with the Eastern Church.

The rooms are both decorated, but, in support of the thesis that has been made at different times, there are several frescoes. In fact, in the entrance area they are of clearly Ionian inspiration while in the second section they are more decorative with floral motifs and angel’s faces.

The first of the sacred images inside is in a very poor condition and it is a blessing Christ in back.

The second figure is that of St. John the Evangelist bearing in his womb an open book almost unreadable beside the representation of St. Nicholas with his name both in greek and Latin reflecting the gradual Latinization of this community, of greek rite originally .

The same bilingual inscription was tracked down on the figure of Saint John the Baptist last figure represented on the left side in this environment.
On the right wall you can admire the diptych with St. Andrew with a tunic and cloak and St. Michael with a stick processional cross. Follows the enthroned Virgin and Child, in quite good condition.

The iconographic cycle of the XIII century is rounded out by Santo Stefano, located on the right pillar, holding a censer, a Saint Bishop blessing in Greek way (probably represented later in the XV - XVI century), Our Lady of Mercy with her opened cloak and the hooded flagellants and finally, above the altar, the Virgin and Child.

Through the arc you get to a crypt with its baroque altar containing the embedded icon of the Virgin and Child.

The rest of the area presents recent paintings, made with lime colors between the sixteenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century such as floral decorations, a starry sky and next to a stone seat, a representation of San Rocco and the Crucifixion.

Crypt of Coelimanna or Manna Coeli Virgo - Supersano  

Hours by appointment cemetery