Call for proposal - from 28 July 2013 to 04 August 2113 - Alessano

Call for proposal - from 28 July 2013 to 04 August 2113 - Alessano

When: 28/07/2013 - 04/08/2013

Where: via Alessio Comneno c/o Palazzo Legari - 73031 Alessano |73031 - Alessano | Map

Telephone: +39 320 9221635 | +39 328 7421988



The text is translated from Google translator, we apologise for the inconvenience, we will soon provide for correct and well written text.
Thank u for visiting us.


Call for proposal - Residence for young musicians and professionals of the music of Puglia

The project Desert Session is promoted by the Zig association, winner of tender Principi Attivi 2012. The residence will last 7 days and provides a training and a final event that will involve the participants, experts and Mariem Hassan and his orchestra.

Period and place of residence: 28 July to 4 August 2013 - Palace Legari - Alessano.

The artistic direction of the residence will select 8 young people (musicians, singers, dancers, student-researchers to the field of ...) born or resident in Puglia at least 2 years.

To the young people selected will be provided with board and lodging and insurance rc for the period of residence and will be required to register the association Zig (cost 10 euro).


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