AirField - AvioSuperficieMacrì - AvioSuperficieMacrì - Supersano

AirField - AvioSuperficieMacrì - AvioSuperficieMacrì - Supersano

Address:  Strada Statale 476 Supersano-Cutrofiano - 73040 Supersano - (c/o Masseria Macrì) | 73040 - Supersano | Map

Telephone: +39 330 215189 | +39 340 8272842 | +39 339 7900560



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It was April 14, 1985 when, for the first time, I took off from my in-flight track on a Tucano.
The years have gone by and other friends, meanwhile, have taken the certificate of flight, and those who could afford it, even a small airplane when, at some point, the need to form an association has arisen. And the Association "Pista Macri" was founded.  The name was made to coincide with that of the old farmhouse where the track is located, meanwhile other friends have taken the patent and the number of the airplanes, that enriched the fleet, increased as well.

At the same time, other associations were born, some for the the desire to fly and some to make people flying, thus spreading the culture of aviation. [Alfio Vizzino]

AvioSuperficieMacrì is located 900 meters from the SS Gallipoli - Maglie. The farm was built in the seventeenth century and has a noble kind of court, vaults with lunettes and frescoes on the first floor. On the ground floor there is a chapel dedicated to the Immaculate virgin and with recent paintings.

The agricultural specificity of the land, that over the time has experienced interesting agricultural activities, has encouraged the residence of noble families.

At short distance from the old building structures of the Masseria Macrì, towards the middle of the eighteenth century, the building of the casino Macri was organized (it was said to be used for the nobles hot dates) and characterized by a large facade with an alcove balcony, a small dovecote tower in excellent condition and by a "neviera" (a sort of underground icebox where, during the winter, the snow was preserved by a method that consisted in resting above the snow a large amount of straw, facilitating its preservation for about two or three months).

Recently, the premises above the farm have been restructured and reset the covers made of  "cannuzzu" of the old structures on the west side.

It is currently the home of the aviosuperficie, with a track made of turf for the take-off and landing of the ultralight and AG aircrafts.


AirField - AvioSuperficieMacrì - AvioSuperficieMacrì - Supersano  

Stage familiarization flight (The Department of the Flight Daedalus of the Air Force Association)